We seek to
Protect the environment. Care for the poor. Forgive often. Reject racism. Fight for the powerless. Share earthly and spiritual resources. Embrace diversity. Love God. and Enjoy this life.
The Meeting House Sanctuary, the upstairs floor, is the venue to rent for performances, large meetings, memorial services and weddings.
The Vestry, the brick building next door, is the perfect place for parties and receptions with food, smaller meetings, clubs, exercise classes and hobby groups.
Find the Meeting House and Vestry Use forms under the Ministries tab in the Main Menu
If you would like either a wedding or a memorial service please call Rev. Beth directly.
call / text 603.325.3022. revbethsimmons@gmail.com
Mark your calendars, we'd love to have you along
An inspired group of Lay Leaders, member volunteers, church friends, and musicians are fulfilling the mission to reach out with love, support, and understanding to everyone in the greater community.
unless noted services begin at 9:45 am
Find the full schedule by clicking Worship in the header of the home screen
Worship leader, Greeter, Ushers, and Children's Activity
Feb. 16: online worship and fellowship with Rev. Beth. Google Meet opens at 9:30 for fellowship and time to get on line. Beth will begin at 9:45. Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xjs-
Feb. 23: Jane Richards-Jones, Barb Caverly, Molly Flower Epping, TBA, Moe Baptiste
March 2: Communion: Sue Francis, Rick Drueden, Neal Cass, Peter Beblowski
March 9: Sarah Hale, Eric Anderson, Dave Anderson, Gary Ryer, Diane Streeter
Hear the latest messages.